About Us
NEFA is Looking for a Few Good People
It is no secret we are all doing more with less. We are working harder than we have worked in recent years, and we seem to always be behind! I know I am and I am sure you all are feeling the same pressures.
I bet the last thing on your mind is volunteering to another group or Board that will take up even more of your precious free time, but we need people like you to help steer NEFA in the right direction.
When I joined the Board, I had the same reservations you all probably do: “I am too busy, I don’t have much to offer, I can’t help, I don’t know enough to be of service”, and the list goes on.
Sound like your first thoughts? I am here to tell you, YOU are exactly what we need, and trust me, if you do volunteer, not only will you be a big help, but you will also benefit greatly from the experience. I know I did. Being on the NEFA Board played a significant role in building Pier Cleaners. Much of my success can be linked directly to things I have learned from NEFA, other Board members, or programs I have attended as a Board Member.
I have met incredible people from all areas of the Northeast -- and the entire country. We have become friends, colleagues, and mentors to one another. When I have questions or concerns, I have a whole network of people I feel comfortable reaching out to.
Through my work with NEFA I have first-hand knowledge of all the programs and services DLI and NEFA offer. Many members struggle to understand how to use the services and the ways the programs can benefit their own operations. Through getting to know the incredible staff at NEFA and DLI I have even more tools available to me.
NEFA is a strong Association and we are well positioned to help the industry and our members. We want YOU to be a part of that. We need YOUR input into ways you need help and developing programs you feel would be beneficial.
We need members from RI, CT, ME, VT and NJ. NEFA also needs committee members who can be from any state. If you want to help and get involved, we have room for you. Contact Peter Blake if you want to learn more: peter@nefabricare.com.
Histroy of NEFA
In the mid-1940's, the Cleansing Plant Owners of Massachusetts (CPO) was formed by a group of greater Boston drycleaners who saw the need for unifying the industry by association. This group of dedicated drycleaners oversaw the growth of the association, and realized first hand all the benefits membership can bring. In 1973, leaders from CPO began meeting with key drycleaners from the surrounding states with an eye to unifying the entire region. In 1975, the New England Fabricare Association was formed. As the association continued to grow and expand, it soon expanded to include New York and New Jersey and became the North East Fabricare Association.
For the last 35 years, NEFA has been the premier association in the territory. Providing its members with the most up-to-date information, legislative representation, and personal services they need to continue to prosper.
NEFA is a volunteer driven association, headed up by a very active Board of Directors. Peter Blake, a 20-year NEFA employee is in charge or the day-to-day operation of the Association, but the Board of Directors are the true leaders.
Click here to meet the Board of Directors!