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Regulatory Alerts
NEFA Joins with CRMA and GHLDA in Fight to Repeal Sales Tax
NEFA has been a strong opponent of the expansion of the state's sales tax to drycleaning since it was first proposed. Despite the pleas and protests of the industry it was passed and became law on January 1, 2020. Now NEFA and Members of the Connecticut Retail Merchants Association (CRMA) and the Greater Hartford Laundry and Drycleaners Association are uniting to try and repeal the tax overreach.
We Need Your Help!!
Voice Your Support to Repeal Sales Tax on Drycleaning by Filling out the form below!
MA DEP Requires Annual Filings
Any Drycleaner using perc in the state of Massachusetts is required to submit an Environmental Results
Program Certification by September 15th.
The forms are a self-certification that you are in compliance with all the rules and regulations regarding perc use. It is a multi-media checklist incorporating Air, Water, and Hazardous Waste regulations facing drycleaners. The Certification is a snap shot of your compliance with all the regulations, and also serves as a great reminder of exactly what you need to be doing each week. The workbook that goes with the cert form is a valuable resource and is a great tool to help make sure you are doing everything right.
The form has undergone some slight changes over the past year, but the only real significant change is in the monitoring of alternative technologies and the installations of new or used machines.
Word of Caution
“Many cleaners have forgotten the significance of what these self certification forms mean,” warned Peter Blake, NEFA Executive Vice President. “I fear there are operators who may just be using the previous year’s forms as a guide and filling them out without comprehending the importance of the information.”
The ERP forms are a signed statement that you are doing all the MANDATED leak checks, temperature readings, and other specific requirements. The DEP is then using the information you provide to help ascertain compliance. You need to be careful, and make sure your certification is accurate and complete.
Forms Online
The forms should be filled out online and can be found at the DEP website: edep.dep.mass.gov.
Any cleaner needing assistance in filling out the forms is urged to contact Peter Blake at 800-442-6848.